Opens the daily deals section of Amazon where you can see items that are discounted for today only.
“Our products most often added to Wishlists and Registries. Updated daily.”
“Our biggest gainers in sales rank over the past 24 hours. Updated hourly.”
“Our most popular products ordered as gifts. Updated daily.”
Takes you to the page on Amazon where you can set up subscription orders for repeat purchases.
Opens the Amazon category page for pets like dogs, cats, and hamsters.
Opens your Amazon wish list page where you can curate items you want, and share your lists with others.
Opens to the edit page for your specified podcast on
Opens the Privacy tab in Settings so you can open Analytics and Improvements > Analytics data. On macOS, opens the Library to Diagnostic Reports in your Logs.
Simple shortcut for an App Automation for the IMDB app to instead open Callsheet – this name will appear as the title of your automation.
Uses the Elgato Control Center app to switch the Key Light pointing towards the ceiling on or off.
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