Play Automators
Plays the Automators podcast with David Sparks and Rosemary Orchard from Relay.FM.
Plays the latest episode of The Talk Show with John Gruber.
Plays the Automators podcast with David Sparks and Rosemary Orchard from Relay.FM.
Plays Do By Friday, a weekly challenge podcast with hosts Alex Cox and Merlin Mann.
Plays the Upgrade podcast from Relay.FM with Jason Snell and Myke Hurley.
Opens to the “Sports” tab in the News app where you can see live games and stories from your favorite teams. If on iPhone and iPad, you can open links directly to games in the TV app.
Opens the Apple ID preference pane on macOS or section of Settings
Opens the Regal Cinemas store where you can buy branded merch from current movies or the Regal brand itself.
Pulls from a note of favorite albums in Notes and plays the full set right away.
Using you pre-filled home address, displays a notification with the travel time and when you’ll arrive if you leave now.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + 3 to open to the Downloads page, where you can find videos you’ve saved offline.
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