Opens the Regal cinemas Promotions page where you can see new categories, current promos, available upgrades, and special engagements.
Opens the Regal Crown Club rewards for items like movie posters and special prints.
Opens the “Movies” page of Regal Cinemas so you can see current, upcoming, and special release films that are available to buy tickets for.
Opens the Regal Cinemas store where you can buy branded merch from current movies or the Regal brand itself.
Opens the Regal website to your Unlimited account page so you can tap to reveal the QR code for your card number.
Opens the Regal Cinemas app on the selected Apple TV, then shows the Remote so you can navigate.
Opens the main Account page of your Regal Cinemas profile, where you can log in and see an Overview of your past upcoming and past books, plus rewards status.
Gets your Parked Car location and shows it in a preview.
All-in-one control for Apple Watch to turn off wake on wrist raise and the always on display, plus activate Theater Mode to disable any touches.
Inspired by David Smith: https: or or or blog or 2021 or 11 or 22 or glencoe or
Prompts for dictation, then starts a timer for the given number of minutes.
Takes any text you’ve copied and pasts it into a new Quick Entry for a mind map in MindNode.
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