Save to Photo Album
Adds the photos and video passed as input to the specified photo album. This action is required if you want images, photos, or videos in Shortcuts to be saved into the Photos app.
Returns to the Home Screen, then waits just under 1 or 2 second to take a screenshot (so it shows the dots for widgets), then saves it to a pre-created Home Screen album in Photos.
Make a screen recording in QuickTime that overrides the time or battery for a nice-looking screenshot.
Opens a set of apps designed for everyday use near your living room couch – includes Letterboxd, TV Forecast, Fandango, IMDB, and a menu choosing between TV, Disney, Amazon Prime, MAX, Plex, or Juno.
Opens the Photos collection that shows you media from One Year Ago.
Toggles a set of 4 Hue lights and one Light Strip in my main living space.
Opens to the “Issues” tab of the Nat Geo magazine in Apple News+, where you can open or download specific issues.
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