Get Dictionary Value
Gets the value for the specified key in the dictionary passed into the action.
Accepts a Thread link, scrapes it to retrieve a truncated excerpt, asks for a title, and creates a linked post in Ulysses.
Scrapes a Threads post, fulls out the excerpt and URL, asks you to add commentary, then posts it using the Mastodon app.
Scrapes a Threads post, then adds it to the Things inbox with links in the notes and a “Research” tag.
Accepts a Thread link, scrapes the data, and formats it quickly for Notes.
Scrapes a Threads post, then formats the excerpt and links in the notes as well as the URL in a new reminder.
Scrapes a Threads post, formats the title, except, and link, and opens Bear to add it as a note.
Accepts a Thread link, scrapes the data, then opens the link, waits for it to load, takes a screenshot, extracts text from the screenshot, then prompts you to delete the extra text before replacing the excerpt in the Thread JSON dictionary.
Asks you to enter a query, then passes it to Arc Search with “Browse for me” enabled to collect links and summarize results automatically.
Opens Settings to General > Keyboard > Hardware Keyboard for iPads with the Magic Keyboard attached.
Opens the magazine for MatthewCassinelli.com which contains all the articles published from my blog.
Opens the main Comixology home page and shows the Basket so you can see the total items in your cart and check out.
Presents a menu of tags to choose from, then opens the Anytime view filtered to show those tasks.
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