Toggle full screen
Simulates the key command for ⌘+⌃+F (Command + Control + F) to maximize the window to fullscreen.
Saves the current window arrangement as a JSON dictionary of data in the Files app.
Simulates the key command for ⌘+⌃+F (Command + Control + F) to maximize the window to fullscreen.
Simulates the universal key command for the opening an app’s preferences: ⌘+,
Uses AppleScript to trigger Command + M to minimize the current window into the Dock.
Enables “Slow Genie” minimizing by using the shell to rewrite a hidden system preference.
Takes URLs from input or the clipboard and generates a QR code that can be scanned to open the same link – shows a preview before the option to Share, Save, or Print.
Asks you to enter a title, then creates board in Freeform with that name.
Turns on the kitchen lights and sets playback to the HomePod mini.
Opens the new top-level page for Manuals, Specs, and Downloads on the Apple Support website.
Asks you to enter a caption, then copies it in a Markdown image reference.
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