URL Encode
Encodes or decodes text passed into the action to be suitable for inclusion in a URL by adding or removing percents.
Asks you to enter a movie, then searches for it in TV Forec
Asks you for a show, then passes the term into the URL scheme for TV Forecast to open into search results.
Asks you for a person (actor, director, etc), then encodes the result and opens the URL scheme into TV Forecast.
Asks you to enter a query, then asks you to pick from a type of search before opening the URL scheme into TV Forecast.
Asks you to pick a file, then a Contact Group, then sends that file to each person in the group one-by-one.
Extracts the name and artwork for a given podcast, crops it to 16×9 using Pixelmator Pro for Mac, and saves the renamed file into Downloads.
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