Opens the “Bag” checkout page for the Apple Store. Use this shortcut to reopen your Apple Store “cart” and see the subtotal or add or remove items before checking out.
Opens the deep link into the Saved Items section of the Apple Store.
Opens the native Apple Store app for iPhone and iPad. Use this shortcut to access Apple’s store page, nearby Sessions, your orders, search, and your bag, plus your account.
Review the current status of your recent Apple Store order. This shortcut works with the Apple Store app to see where your latest order is at — order placed, shipping, out for delivery, etc.
Asks you to pick an Apple product category, then opens the deep link into the Apple Store online.
This shortcut Asks you to enter a time and sets an alarm called “Apple Preorder.”
Presents a series of prompts for contact information, then generates a .VCF and asks you how you want to share it.
Sets AirDrop receiving to Contacts Only so people who you haven’t added cannot send you files.
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