Shares a duplicate of your personal contact card designed only for business.
Scrapes text from input and looks for strings formatted as phone numbers.
Check for contacts whose birthdays are in the next two weeks and displays their name and the date.
Asks you to select a contact, then let’s you choose to message, call, FaceTime, or email them, along with prompts for the message if needed.
Asks you to select a Contact Group, then creates reminders to follow up with each person in that group.
Asks you to pick a file, then a Contact Group, then sends that file to each person in the group one-by-one.
Presents a series of prompts for contact information, then generates a .VCF and asks you how you want to share it.
Turns on your Apple TV, opens the Podcasts app, and activates the Remote app on your device.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Focus so you can change details or adjust Home Screens.
Opens the Discord app to the Relay.FM community, then Relay.FM or live where I can start a live show.
Asks you to enter a hashtag, then opens the deep link for the hashtag in TikTok.
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