Show my Heart data
Opens into the Health app to the Heart category to show various stats tracked by Apple Watch like heart rate, HRV, and ECG measurements.
Opens into the Health app to the Health Records section of your Profile where you can see accounts, export Health Records to PDF, show Apps and Research studies, and change options like data sharing and analytics.
Opens into the Health app to the Heart category to show various stats tracked by Apple Watch like heart rate, HRV, and ECG measurements.
Opens to the “Sharing” tab in the Health app where you share with someone, ask someone to share, share with your doctor, and see apps and research studies alongside shared data.
Opens into the Health app to the Hearing category where you can see headphone audio levels, environmental sound levels, environmental sound reduction, and any noise notifications or hearing test results.
Opens into the Health category for Symptoms data (which can be logged with Shortcuts using Log Health Samples).
Opens into the Health app to the Lab Results section of your Health Records where you can “connect to your providers to see your health records and get updates when there’s a new entry.”
Opens the Health app to the Mental Wellbeing category where you see data like Mindful Minutes, State of Mind, Exercise Minutes, Time In Daylight, and Sleep data – all types of data that affect your mental state.
Asks you to pick from pre-programmed grocery store locations, then estimates travel time, distance, route, and arrival time before presenting the option to get directions.
Opens Freeform and presses the keyboard shortcut to create a new window.
Turns on the lights in the main rooms, bathroom, and bedroom maximum lighting while cleaning the house.
Gets text from the Share sheet or clipboard and returns the total word count.
Activates the key code for F4’s native function, which triggers the LaunchPad feature that shows your app icons like an iOS Home Screen.
Wakes the Apple TV and sets the playback destination to that device, making any videos play over AirPlay.
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