Show my Comics library
Opens the Kindle library on the web to the Comics tab where you can see your full list of comics available to read.
Opens the “See More” link on your personalized Comixology storefront curating Best Sellers for you based on your collection.
Opens the Kindle library on the web to the Comics tab where you can see your full list of comics available to read.
Opens the New Releases tab in the Comixology section of the Amazon website.
Asks you for a search query, then forms it for the Amazon search results URL with a filter for Comics applied.
Asks you to enter a search query, formats it for an Amazon URL, and opens the search results in the Kindle library (including non-Comics results).
Opens to the Subscribe page for Comixology Unlimited so you can start your free trial and agree to sign up after 30 days.
Opens the “See More” link in the New Releases section of your Comixology home on the Amazon website where you can see comics curated for you that are top sellers.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + 4 to open to the Continue Watching page, where you can resume sessions you’ve already started.
Opens the Google app and starts listening for a dictated search query.
Opens a Mac app and moves it to a specific spot, or sends a remote command over SSH from another device to open that app.
Accesses the Transistor API and extracts the episode data in a nicely-formatted view. Requires the Actions app.
Plays the main curated radio station for Apple Music, previously known as Beats 1.
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