Show my gift card
Opens the Wallet app to the gift card of your choice – perhaps your favorite coffee chain.
Opens the Wallet app to show the preselected credit card that you use for most regular expenses.
Opens the Wallet app to the gift card of your choice – perhaps your favorite coffee chain.
Opens the Wallet app to the show the pass card for travel lounge access – I use mine with Chase Priority Pass.
Opens the Wallet app to the pass for an event ticket of your choice.
Opens the Wallet app to the credit card you use for business expenses.
Opens the Wallet app to the pass for The Talk Show, the annual live podcast hosted in San Jose near Cupertino durng Apple’s annual WWDC.
Opens the Wallet app to the Apple Cash “card” where you can see your balance send or request money, or see past transactions.
Opens Perplexity to a new, blank search set to Pro mode, which acts as your conversational search guide. “Instead of quick, generic results, Pro Search engages with you, fine-tuning its answers based on your needs.”
Function for taking timecodes like 01:45:30 and adding up the hours or minutes or seconds into a single unit (seconds) that can be used for calculations; or, more specifically, YouTube timestamps.
Asks what game was played, how it ended, and what you could learn from it, then logs it in Notes with the time stamp.
Opens into the Motion section of Accessibility sesttings to let you control features like Reduce Motion, Auto-Play Message Effects, Auto-Play Animated Images, Dim Flashing Lights, Auto-Play Video Previews, and Limit Frame Rate.
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