Manage Intuit account
Opens the account manager for QuickBooks Self-Employed on Intuit’s site.
Opens the Reports page of QuickBooks Self-Employed so you can track and visualize your progress.
Opens the account manager for QuickBooks Self-Employed on Intuit’s site.
Opens the Transactions page in QuickBooks Self-Employed so you can view, update, and tag transactions as needed.
Opens the Milage Log of QuickBooks Self-Employed so you can track how many miles you’ve travelled as business expenses.
Opens the QuickBooks mobile app so you can log mileage for business trips directly in the app.
Opens the page for importing transactions into QuickBooks Self-Employed (for anything that can’t be handleded directly through your bank).
Opens the homepage for QuickBooks Self-Employed on the web. If not signed, will redirect you to the login page.
Presents your presentations in Keynote, asks you to pick one, and opens it in Rehearsal Mode.
Uses your personal email added on import and searches Passwords for all matching logins.
Asks what game was played, how it ended, and what you could learn from it, then logs it in Notes with the time stamp.
Asks you to enter a task, then adds it as an issue in a preselected JIRA project.
Create a single-use sign-in to your WiFi network, letting people access your internet but not always be able to log in.
Toggles the Color Filters accessibility setting, which can turn your device black or white and remove all color if set to grayscale (among other options).
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