Add Now Playing to Menu Bar
Displays the current song playing in Apple Music in the Menu Bar.
Grabs a to-do from Things set for Today and displays it in the Menu Bar using One Thing.
Displays the current song playing in Apple Music in the Menu Bar.
Pick from a list of pre-determined options to display in the Menu Bar.
Sample shortcut showing how One Thing can be used to show progress.
Connected to a specific VPN. If you have more than one, use List and Choose From List to pick between them.
Presents a menu of Portfolio-style presentations to create in Keynote – choose from Industrial, Blueprint, Graph Paper, Chalkboard, Photo Portfolio, and Leather Book.
Presents a list of folders to save to, then adds the shortcut input to that location in Instapaper.
Opens to your alternate Notes account synced from a different email address.
Generates albums for saving wallpapers for every device type Apple offers.
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