Open Books search
Changes the Books app view to Search, showing Recently Viewed, trending genres for you, a section to Discover books, and Trending searches.
Changes the Book app’s view to the Reading Now section (the main section).
Changes the Books app view to Search, showing Recently Viewed, trending genres for you, a section to Discover books, and Trending searches.
Opens a specific book from your library, prompting you to pick which book.
Takes highlighted text shared from Books and scrapes out the extra metadata.
Changes the Books app view to the Library tab to show all your Books, PDFs, Samples, and more.
Opens the Books app, then prompts you to confirm setting orientation lock so the screen doesn’t rotate. When run from Mac, opens the app in fullscreen.
Shows the most recently-active book you’ve been reading and opens it.
Searches the Shortcuts app for the word “Mac” to find your Mac-related shortcuts.
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + N to create a new chat in the ChatGPT app for Mac.
Opens the URL for The News Desk’s Technology section to see top stories curated by Flipboard.
Opens Apple Maps directions to a specified address showing public transit options instead of driving, walking, or biking.
Opens Apple.com search results for “Shortcuts release notes”
Removes the background of a photo, cropping the remaining subject to remove blank space.
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