Start Multiple Timers

Starts two pre-set timers at once, each for different lengths. This version is a pomodoro timer, set to go off at 20 minutes for a break and again 5 minutes after to get back to work.

Actions Used

Start Timer
Starts a timer in the Clock app for the specified amount of time.

Extra Details

Run Shortcut deep link
Open Shortcut deep link
AppleScript code
tell application “Shortcuts Events” run shortcut “Start Multiple Timers” end tell

More From This Folder

Cancel Timer

Cancels the next-most timer running in the Clock app. If there are multiple timers, the second timer will continue running unless this action is used again.

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More From The Library

Cancel Timer

Cancels the next-most timer running in the Clock app. If there are multiple timers, the second timer will continue running unless this action is used again.

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