Starts up a Timery timer from the last-logged event, starting anew from right now.
Prompts you to enter the time for when a currently-running should have stopped, then stops it and sets that end time.
Continues tracking the most recent time entry from Timery from the last time it was stopped.
Asks you to enter a project name, client, then pick from tags or colors to create a new project in Toggle using Timery.
Uses Timery to display total time tracked in Toggl during the day.
Prompts you to choose a project and time period, then displays the results for your total time tracked.
Opens the Stream Deck app to let you customize the icons. When run from iOS, uses Remote Login to open the app on your Mac.
Disables the Personal Hotspot feature so no other devices are using your cellular data.
Opens Alto’s Adventure on the Apple TV and shows the remote control on your phone.
Take a link from the Share sheet or yourclipboard and open it in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to see past versions of the page.
Pick from a list of pre-determined options to display in the Menu Bar.
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