Open Books search
Changes the Books app view to Search, showing Recently Viewed, trending genres for you, a section to Discover books, and Trending searches.
Turns on the Books setting that disables continous scroll and lets you turn pages like you would in a physical book.
Changes the Books app view to Search, showing Recently Viewed, trending genres for you, a section to Discover books, and Trending searches.
Opens the Books app to the “Want to Read” section that’s built up when you mark books as such.
Takes highlighted text shared from Books and scrapes out the extra metadata.
Opens a specific book from your library, prompting you to pick which book.
Scans a QR code, gets the text out, and performs a search on
Opens the Books app to the Finished tab where you can see past books you’ve completed.
Convert dates and times into any format using Shortcuts. Requires Timery for Toggl.
Gets a video link from the share sheet or clipboard, asks you to enter in a titled, then creates a reminder for the video.
Creates a series of prompts to save a gift and the giver’s name to an ongoing note.
Opens the website for Apple Music Replay where you can visualize your past year of music listening habits.
Creates a reflection entry in Day One with selected photos from the past year.
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