Switches between wallpapers to the one you have set for your Work focus.
Presents a menu of your named Wallpapers and switches to the option of your choice.
Switches to your default Wallpaper, untied from any Focus mode.
Presents a menu of the 7 movies in the Mission Impossible series (so far) and lets you open the film of choice in the TV app.
Gets the top 10 TV episodes currently sold on iTunes and opens the URL of your choice.
Presents a menu of all the podcast you’re subscribed to, then grabs episodes from the chosen show, then starts playing the episode you pick.
Opens the deep link into the TV app to The Office episodes. If you’re watching the series, prompts you to resume the latest or next episode.
Opens the “See More” link in the New Releases section of your Comixology home on the Amazon website where you can see comics curated for you that are top sellers.
Asks you to enter a task, then adds it as an issue in a preselected JIRA project.
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