Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts a tennis workout using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Starts a cooldown workout, plus sets AirPods Pro to Noise Cancellation.
Sends a randomized template message to your partner or housemate that you’re leaving for a short walk, then runs the “Start an outdoor walk” action.
Starts an outdoor walk, turns on Low Power Mode, and logs the UV index.
Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts an outdoor cycling workou using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts an outdoor run using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Presents a menu of Instapaper folders, then opens the corresponding web link to each folder.
Takes a location shared as input, or if none, the current location, and opens the webpage in a popover so you can see the WalkScore of the neighborhood. Shows how easy it is to walk around, the access to transit, and how bicycle-friendly the roads are.
Gets the top 10 TV episodes currently sold on iTunes and opens the URL of your choice.
Opens the Amazon app to the Search field, bringing up the keyboard automatically so you can type your query right away.
Uses the Dictate Text action set to stop listening “After Pause” and then saves my text into the To Do list created in Reminders (or your default list).
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