Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts a tennis workout using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts an outdoor run using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Sends a randomized template message to your partner or housemate that you’re leaving for a short walk, then runs the “Start an outdoor walk” action.
Starts a cooldown workout, plus sets AirPods Pro to Noise Cancellation.
Starts an outdoor walk, turns on Low Power Mode, and logs the UV index.
Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts an outdoor cycling workou using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Asks you which folder to open, then prompts for a name and creates a new shortcut with that title in that folder.
Shows the Star Wars category of content in Disney+ like the three trilogies, TV shows, or animated serie
Opens the deep link into Settings for Accessibility and Siri, including controls for Type to Siri, Siri Pause Time, Speaking Rate, Spoken Responses, whether to Always Listen for “Hey Siri,” whether to Show Apps Behind Siri, whether to Announce Notifications on Speaker, and Call Hang Up with Siri during phone and FaceTime calls.
Simulates the key code for F3, activating Mission Control on the Mac.
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