Opens the “Animated” album to show any GIFs you’ve saved to Photos.
Asks you to type in a search and finds the results on Giphy.
Asks you to choose from recent live photos and converts them into videos or GIFs.
Pulls from your Bursts taken on iPhone and makes a GIF out of your choice.
Opens the “Movies” page of Regal Cinemas so you can see current, upcoming, and special release films that are available to buy tickets for.
Asks you for a caption and filename, then formats it as a Markdown image reference.
Opens into the Health app to Browse > Body Measurements to display data like weight, BMI, body fat percentage, or stats like waist circumference.
Switches the Theater Mode setting on your Apple Watch to enable or disable all alerts, touches, and wake-on-raise-wrist.
Asks for the current mileage, then logs the date, time, and value into a .CSV file in iCloud Drive.
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