Opens the “Watch It In One Night” page from that curates full series or movies that you can binge in an evening.
Opens the “My List” link taken from which redirects into the page of movies and TV shows you’ve saved in the app.
Opens the “Movies” tab in the Netflix app by opening the URL taken from the website.
Opens the “Movies” tab in the Netflix app by opening the URL taken from the website.
Opens the “TV” tab in the Netflix app using the “Genre” deep link from the website.
Asks you to enter a subject line and then a message, then saves both as an email draft in the Mail app.
Pulls a scan from the New York Times or San Francisco Chronicle’s website with today’s front page.
Opens the conversation for your Family group chat so you can keep up with everyone.
Opens the Books app to the Book Store tab where you find and buy books.
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