Choose from Menu
Presents a menu and runs different actions based on which menu item was chosen.
Presents a menu of the six Lord of the Rings movies, with corresponding deep links into the TV app for each.
Opens to the Movies and TV Trailers section of the TV app (which replaced the dedicated Trailers app).
Opens the TV app to the Sports tab to show categories like football, soccer, baseball, and other sports alongside your Favorite Teams.
Opens the main Home tab of the TV app where you can view and add content to your Up Next queue.
Opens the Search page in the TV app, letting you quickly type out a query or pick from their curated categories.
Shows the Futurama series in the TV app so you can watch old or new episodes.
Opens a custom “Screenshots” folder located in the Shortcuts folder in iCloud Drive.
Opens the PCalc app for Apple TV and shows the remote so you can perform calculations on the big screen.
Opens the Places collection in Photos to show the map or grid of where you’ve taken all your photos and videos.
Presents a list of categories from Apple’s developer pages, then reformats the option of your choosing into the URL for that category and opens it.
Opens the Photos collection that shows you media from One Year Ago.
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