Opens the automatic playlist for Liked videos created for every YouTube account.
Opens the YouTube section for purchased movies, including films synced with Movies Anywhere.
Opens the Subscriptions feed sorted as a list so you can see who’s live at the top.
Opens your personal feed on Clips saved from YouTube videos. Use this feature to capture important ideas and give them custom titles, and have a feed of personalized clips to view again later.
Turns on my living room TV, opens the YouTube app, and shows the remote control on the current device so I can navigate the interface. When run from Mac, opens YouTube in Safari in fullscreen.
Redirects a web URL for a YouTube into the mobile app by replacing `https: or or ` with `youtube: or or ` in the link.
Uses AppleScript to press the key combination for the Special Characters palette.
Replaces any special characters in the input with percent-encoding that makes it function properly in URLs.
Asks you to choose a speaker, then changes the current playback destination there and starts Podcasts.
Opens search results for “Shortcuts release notes”
Prompts you to add a start time and end time, then what you worked on, then pick a project – once you’re done, Timery logs the entry in Toggl.
Using your username, opens the link to your profile on Bluesky.
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