We’re in The Medium Place

Episode 11 is Supercomputer is out – plus, we’re switching to Friday releases.

Episode 11 of Supercomputer is now out – listen in if you’re curious about the new iPad Pros.

Alex talks about her concerns over USB-C, I tried to talk her down from the ledge, and we both ended up convincing ourselves to be excited about the new iPads.

Plus, we talked about the changes to Shortcuts 2.1 that I covered in my video earlier this week.

With this episode, we’re also making the switch to releasing on Fridays – we’re trying to guarantee the show is as good as possible, plus give us flexibility on recording days to account for any events as well as our schedule. New episodes every Friday – Supercomputer for the weekends!

Start prepping your daily routine plans for an upcoming episode, because we’ll be walking through those shortly – in the meantime, drop us any shortcuts requests in our submission form, we’ll be answering a few soon!

Get the episode:

P.S. Would anyone listen in Spotify or on YouTube? Let me know!

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