Add time entry
Prompts you to add a start time and end time, then what you worked on, then pick a project – once you’re done, Timery logs the entry in Toggl.
Prompts you to enter the time for when a currently-running should have stopped, then stops it and sets that end time.
Prompts you to add a start time and end time, then what you worked on, then pick a project – once you’re done, Timery logs the entry in Toggl.
Continues tracking the most recent time entry from Timery from the last time it was stopped.
Prompts you to choose a project and time period, then displays the results for your total time tracked.
Asks you to enter a project name, client, then pick from tags or colors to create a new project in Toggle using Timery.
Uses Timery to display total time tracked in Toggl during the day.
Creates a note for the current calendar week. Also checks if one exists before creating it, to avoid duplicates.
Takes your pre-inputted Threads URL and asks whether to copy it, share, or display it as a QR code.
Takes an input and counts the total words, then displays the information in a dialog or speaks it back with Siri.
Simulates the keyboard shortcut for Command + Shift + U, which activates the Perplexity upload process and shows a Finder window where you can select the file to upload.
Opens your personal Disney+ account – when show from web, shows billing details not shown on iOS.
Runs AppleScript to open ChatGPT for Mac, then activates the keyboard shortcut for Command + S to toggle the Sidebar for the app.
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