Uses AppleScript to trigger Command + M to minimize the current window into the Dock.
Simulates the key command for ⌘+⌃+F (Command + Control + F) to maximize the window to fullscreen.
Enables “Slow Genie” minimizing by using the shell to rewrite a hidden system preference.
Simulates the universal key command for the opening an app’s preferences: ⌘+,
Saves the current window arrangement as a JSON dictionary of data in the Files app.
Opens the Regal Crown Club site where you can see your credit balance, check out featured rewards, order gift cards, and link out to even more member deals.
Prompts you to enter a total time, then starts a timer for that length.
Opens the deep link into the TV app to The Office episodes. If you’re watching the series, prompts you to resume the latest or next episode.
Turns on the Apple TV, set a Home scene, and turns on Entertainment focus for an hour.
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