Open my mentions in Ivory
Shows the Mentions-only tab in Ivory with replies to your Mastodon posts.
Shows the Search tab in Ivory, which shows the Trending posts feature under Browse.
Shows the Mentions-only tab in Ivory with replies to your Mastodon posts.
Stores multiple List titles and IDs that you can pick from to open into Ivory.
Shows @[email protected] in the Profile popover in Ivory – follow me!
Asks you for a query, then searches your posts or Mastodon users in Ivory.
Pulls archived items from a specific tag and extracts the title/URL from the choice, separated by two tabs and copied to the clipboard so it can be pasted across columns in a spreadsheet.
Asks you to enter a search query, formats it for an Amazon URL, and opens the search results in the Kindle library (including non-Comics results).
Asks you to enter in contact information, then generates a .VCF vcard file out of your answers and shares it.
Opens into the Health app to Hearing > Headphone Audio Levels to show how loud you’ve been listening to music.
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