Passes the specified list of key-value pairs to the next action as a dictionary.
Asks you to enter in contact information, then generates a .VCF vcard file out of your answers and shares it.
Check for contacts whose birthdays are in the next two weeks and displays their name and the date.
Looks through the input text for email addresses and copies them to the clipboard.
Searches for contacts by group, then has you add text to place in their note field.
Check for contacts whose birthdays are in the next two weeks and displays their name and the date.
Asks you to select a Contact Group, then creates reminders to follow up with each person in that group.
Opens Freeform and presses the keyboard shortcut to create a new window.
Presents a list of Bold presentation themes available in Keynote – choose from Bold Color, Showcase, Briefing, Academy, Modern Type, and Exhibit
Prompts you to enter a text note for your Parked Car spot to leave a reference for later.
Records audio using the phone’s mics, then saves the file and asks you if you want to share it.
Opens the Apple Music app for Apple TV on the selected device, then shows the Remote so you can play something.
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