Get Contents of Folder
This action gets the files inside of the specified folder.
If this option is enabled, this action will get all the files inside of a folder, including its subfolders.
Adds the entirety of your iCloud Drive folder offline by getting its contents.
Asks for input, extracts the archive, and asks you where to save the new files.
Takes a list of files and adds an index before each title as the new filename.
Copies the current date and time in a good format for pre-pending to filenames to ensure the list is always ordered well when sorted alphabetically.
Asks you to select a folder, enter a client name, then adds subfolders of your choosing.
Downloads the contents of your Desktop folder, then asks you which files you want to move and then lets you pick where to place them.
Takes any files shared as input or, if none are present, presents a Document Picker to select them manually, then shares those files using iCloud Drive – the resulting URL is copied to the clipboard to be shared with others for easy access.
Opens the new dedicated Print Center for macOS. Previously, this function did not have its own app.
Searches Podcasts for a show, then copies the Feed URL so you can subscribe in another app.
Opens Transistor.fm to the new episode page for your pre-selected podcast so you can upload a new file, give it a title and description, and publish.
Presents a menu of Portfolio-style presentations to create in Keynote – choose from Industrial, Blueprint, Graph Paper, Chalkboard, Photo Portfolio, and Leather Book.
Asks you to choose from your Shortcuts folders and repeats through the shortcuts for that folder, letting you choose a custom title, then choose from Files for the icon before adding it to the Home Screen.
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