Open Books library
Changes the Books app view to the Library tab to show all your Books, PDFs, Samples, and more.
Activates the Books setting that allows you to read endlessly without turning pages.
Changes the Books app view to the Library tab to show all your Books, PDFs, Samples, and more.
Changes the Book app’s view to the Reading Now section (the main section).
Opens a specific book from your library, prompting you to pick which book.
Opens the Books app to the Book Store tab where you find and buy books.
Opens the My Sample section of the Books app to show books that you’ve downloaded previews for.
Takes highlighted text shared from Books and scrapes out the extra metadata.
Opens the “Quartiles” game available for Apple News+ subscribers in the News app.
Takes URLs from input or your clipboard and adds them to Reminders with the page name as the reminder title.
Opens your Flagged email inbox using Open Mailbox on iOS and AppleScript to simulate keyboard shortcuts on Mac.
Starts a new continuous conversation with ChatGPT-4, starting with a prompt of your own.
Copies your clipboard and stores the contents over time, plus lets you pull from your clipboard history.
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