Asks you to pick a podcast, then starts an Outdoor Walk workout on the Apple Watch.
Immediately play the latest episode or first item in Listen Now in the Podcasts app.
Searches Podcasts for a show, then copies the Feed URL so you can subscribe in another app.
Turns on your Apple TV, opens the Podcasts app, and activates the Remote app on your device.
Asks you to pick from your Stations in Podcasts and plays it right away.
Opens so you can find your Twitter following on Mastodon.
Connects to AirPods Pro using the AirBuddy app for Mac. Also checks if a connection can be made and alerting you if the device isn’t found.
Opens into the special News+ Spotlight section of the News app curated by Apple editors, including sections like Conversation Starters, Better Living, Weekend Reads, Good News, and Best of News+.
Activates Stage Manager and deactivates the “Show Dock” setting so only Recent Apps are shown.
Lets you pick a reminder from a specific list and see what time of day you created it.
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