Opens the deep link into the Accessibility settings for Switch Control, which allows you to use your iPhone by sequentially highlighting items on the screen that can be activated through an adaptive accesssory. Other options include settings for Switches, Recipe, Scanning Style, Auto Scanning Time, Pause on First Item, Loops, Move Repeat, Long Press, Tap Behavior, Focused Item After Tap, and keyboard, switch stabilization, point scanning, audio, and menu items controls.
Opens into the Motion section of Accessibility sesttings to let you control features like Reduce Motion, Auto-Play Message Effects, Auto-Play Animated Images, Dim Flashing Lights, Auto-Play Video Previews, and Limit Frame Rate.
Opens the deep link to the Personal Voice feature available in Accessibility settings on iOS, where you can create a Personal Voice, decide whether to Share Across Devices, and Allow Apps to Request to Use.
Increase the text size on your device (and reset it) as needed. Includes options for “Easier,” “Monitor Stand” (my custom setup), and “Defaults.”
Switches the Voice Control so you can issue commands to your device, giving you hands-free control of your devices.
Works great for Accessibility purposes, as well as simply using a device when you can’t reach it – I use this on my iPad Pro when it’s on the stand I have on my desk.
Opens the Sound Recognition section of Accessibility settings and lets you toggle the feature on or off, see how much storage is used, and choose which sounds to recognize.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > RTT to let you adjust “Real-time Text,” described by Apple as “a service offering more reliability, better text support, and the ability to speak and hear during a call” with Software and Hardware options.
Opens the “All iCloud” folder of notes that shows everything across your folders.
Checks for a movie calendar event (automatically added via Gmail when you purchase tickets) and presents the total travel time estimates, then opens Apple Maps to get directions.
Toggles the state of AirPlane mode on or off (depending how it’s currently set).
Speaks the current page from Safari out loud; uses Listen to Page on iOS and Speak Text on macOS.
Opens the “Work” folder in Notes – when in Gallery view, this will also show your sub-folders.
Asks you to enter a task, then adds it as an issue in a preselected JIRA project.
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