Prompts you to type in a search, then applies the query in the Passwords section of Settings.
Searches the Passwords database for your Amazon account login details.
Takes your work email added on import and searches the Passwords database for all matching logins.
Searches Passwords for a manually-added keyword “auth” on your logins so you can find all your 2-factor codes right away.
Opens the Passwords tab of the Settings app to let you access yours or a shared vault.
Searches the Passwords database for “AppleID” for when you need to authorize something.
Uses your personal email added on import and searches Passwords for all matching logins.
Accepts a Thread link, scrapes it to retrieve a truncated excerpt, asks for a title, and creates a linked post in Ulysses.
Turns on the Apple TV and opens the Fireplace app, plus shows the remote.
Prompts you to name a shortcut to demonstrate a bug and file as Feedback.
Gets the contents of the Shortcuts folder from iCloud Drive, downloading all the files locally.
Opens the Regal website to your Unlimited account page so you can tap to reveal the QR code for your card number.
Uses AppleScript to trigger the keyboard shortcut for the Quick Entry feature of Things on the Mac.
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