Check Apollo feeds
From a list of subreddit names, lets you choose a subreddit, pull items from its RSS feed, and choose from the results before opening it into the Apollo app for Reddit.
From a list of subreddit names, lets you choose a subreddit, pull items from its RSS feed, and choose from the results before opening it into the Apollo app for Reddit.
From a list of subreddit names, lets you choose a subreddit, pull items from its RSS feed, and choose from the results before opening it into the Apollo app for Reddit.
From a list of subreddit names, lets you choose a subreddit, pull items from its RSS feed, and choose from the results before opening it into the Apollo app for Reddit.
Takes an input and counts the total words, then displays the information in a dialog or speaks it back with Siri.
Opens the Apps tab of the App Store on iOS and iPadOS, and on macOS shows a menu where you can choose from Create, Work, Develop, or Categories sections to open.
Prompts you to enter the time for when a currently-running should have stopped, then stops it and sets that end time.
Prompts you for a query, then filters Voice Memos by their titles.
Gets URLs from input, extracts the name, then formats it as a Markdown link.
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