Opens directly into one of your curated Lists inside the Twitter app.
Presents a menu for various Twitter search operations, including jumping right into the search field, showing Twitter Moments, searching through all tweets, cutting down results to only people you follow, or even searching your own tweets.
With this one tool, you can take advantage of all the awesome options buried in Twitter search – it’s like Google for people you follow.
This uses a combination of donated actions from Twitter, the Search Web action native to Shortcuts, and deep links taken from the web.
Opens the Tweetdeck app on Mac and uses AppleScript to put it in fullscreen.
Takes the current location of the device, extracts the altitude, then displays it in a result or speaks it when run from Siri.
Gets your Parked Car location and opens it in Google Maps.
From a list of subreddit names, lets you choose a subreddit, pull items from its RSS feed, and choose from the results before opening it into the Apollo app for Reddit.
For links shared from videos playing inside a playlist, this will scrape out the ID and reformat it into the main playlist link.
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