Opens the “Mobile Starred Listings” wishlist created automatically by AirBnb when you favorite a listing in the app.
Opens the URL to AirBnB’s experiences page set to find nearby options.
Gets driving directions from your current location to the pre-programmed address of your AirBnb (add it here upon booking).
Opens the AirBnb help portal for guests where see guides for getting started, and to get help with your reservations, account, and more.
Opens the URL for AirBnb’s “Trips” page on Mac and uses the native shortcut on iOS.
Opens the URL for the AirBnb guest Inbox so you can view and interact with messages from your hosts.
Gets the daily forecast, asks you to choose dates, then gets Golden Hour times for each day.
Presents a menu of your gamertags so you can copy and share them with friends.
Prompts you to enter a phone number, then asks you to confirm before calling.
Takes a logo stored in Files, resizes it to 150px, and overlays it 200px away from the bottom right of another image.
Scans a QR code, gets the text out, and performs a search on
Plays a sound file of your choice. Use this as a confirmation sound for your NFC tags.
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