Set Variable
Sets the value of the specified variable to the input of this action.
Opens to the edit page for your specified podcast on Transistor.fm.
Opens the Account section of Transistor.fm where you can manage your profile, turn on two-step authentication, update your billing and subscription details, and copy your API key.
Uses the Transistor API to look at your show data, gets the first show, and extracts the ID for use in your other shortcuts.
Opens the default episodes dashboard on Transistorm for a pre-selected podcast.
Accesses the Transistor API and extracts the episode data in a nicely-formatted view. Requires the Actions app.
Opens the URL to the edit page for the latest episode of your Transistor podcast.
Opens the URL for the Embeds page for your Transistor podcast.
Shows you the total time between now and a specific time on Christmas day.
Opens the Developement section of Mastodon settings to your Applications.
Searches the Passwords database for your Amazon account login details.
Takes the input from the Share sheet or clipboard, lets you choose from UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalizing Every Word, swapping to Title Case, or swapping to Sentence case, and copies it to your clipboard.
Asks you to enter a total length of time, then logs it as a stretching workout.
Plays podcasts in the Overcast app, starting from the last-used location.
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