Get Dictionary from Input
Makes a dictionary from the text passed as input. JSON (like {“foo”: “bar”}), key-value pairs (like foo=bar&baz=biz), and XML-based plist are supported.
Uses the Transistor API to look at your show data, gets the first show, and extracts the ID for use in your other shortcuts.
Opens the developer documentation for the Transistor API.
Accesses the Transistor API to retrieve your analytics data, then summarizes the total downloads over the last 14 days.
Opens the URL for the Analytics page for your Transistor podcast.
Accesses the Transistor API to retrieve your subscriber data and extract the Total Count.
Opens the URL to the transcript page for the latest episode of your Transistor podcast.
Gets the latest episode from your Transistor podcast and scrapes out the ID for the media URL and pastes it into the episode embed player.
Asks you to select media to store on your clipboard, then asks you to enter a post to pass to Threads where you can paste your media. On Mac, gets file from Finder/Services and opens
Asks to you enter what you’re currently working on, then sets it due 1 minute from now so it shows up on your lock screen.
Search for an app on the App Store, then copy its link to the system clipboard. Also includes a prompt to show the price.
Opens the new top-level page for Manuals, Specs, and Downloads on the Apple Support website.
Opens the Settings app on Apple TV where you can tweak your preferences.
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