Turns on the specified Apple TV, including any connected TV sets.
Opens the Apple Music app for Apple TV on the selected device, then shows the Remote so you can play something.
Wakes up the specified Apple TV, then activates the built-in Screen Saver feature to display ambient scenes instead of the Home Screen.
For the specified Apple TV, resumes playing the currently-active program.
Opens the Apple TV app on the selected TV, then shows the Remote so you can pick something from your Up Next or a connected service.
Opens the Apple Fitness app on the selected device, then shows the Remote so you can pair your Apple Watch and begin a workout.
Asks for your friend’s location and a type of destination, then searches near the halfway point for a place to go.
Pauses Sound Recogntion and disables the option to listen for home lifestyle sounds.
Opens Things for Mac on the current device or remotely via SSH from other devices.
Asks you to pick from your Shortcuts folders, then repeats through the shortcuts from that folder asking you for a custom title and image from Photos before adding it to the Home Screen with a custom icon.
Activates Sidecar for a larg iPad Pro near your Mac. Works remotely from iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and HomePod using Siri over SSH.
Opens the Halide app to Manual Mode, after which the Macro button appears.
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