Toggle Office lights
Activates a Home scene set to control multiple lights in my home office, turning them on or off depending on the current state.
Switches the Hue light bulb in my bedside on or off.
Activates a Home scene set to control multiple lights in my home office, turning them on or off depending on the current state.
Turns my Eve Switch on or off depending on its current state, which controls the sound machine we have in our bedroom for drowning out little noises and providing a constant background sound to sleep to.
Activates a Home scene set to control multiple lights in my studio, turning them on or off depending on the current state.
Activates a Home scene set to control the lamps in my family room, turning them on or off depending on the current state.
Turns my Eve Switch on or off depending on its current state, which controls the large 42” softbox in my studio for filming.
Activates a Home scene set to control all the lights in my living room, turning them on or off depending on the current state.
Asks you how long you’ll be outside, then sets 90-minute reminders to reapply sunscreen.
Takes any files shared as input or, if none are present, presents a Document Picker to select them manually, then shares those files using iCloud Drive – the resulting URL is copied to the clipboard to be shared with others for easy access.
Copies the current date and time in a good format for pre-pending to filenames to ensure the list is always ordered well when sorted alphabetically.
Lets you create a new alarm or choose from existing alarms, then set a bedtime and reminder to get ready for bed so you can get at least 8 hours of sleep.
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