Show this week’s new releases
Opens the New Releases tab in the Comixology section of the Amazon website.
Opens to the Subscribe page for Comixology Unlimited so you can start your free trial and agree to sign up after 30 days.
Opens the New Releases tab in the Comixology section of the Amazon website.
Opens the “See More” link from your curated Comixology homepage to the “Discover a new comic series” page on Amazon.
Asks you to enter a search query, formats it for an Amazon URL, and opens the search results in the Kindle library (including non-Comics results).
Opens the “See More” link in the New Releases section of your Comixology home on the Amazon website where you can see comics curated for you that are top sellers.
Opens the Amazon preview page for Comixology Unlimited so you can read about the experience, see what’s available in the collection, and manage your account.
Opens the Amazon website to the Comixology account management page, where find links to your library or the Kindle app and connect your Amazon or Comixology accounts as needed.
Asks you for a location, then finds Transit directions from your Current Location.
Opens the YouTube app on the chosen Apple TV, then opens the YouTube app on your mobile device – this lets you connect the two and manage your TV queue from your phone or iPad.
Turns on your Apple TV, opens the Podcasts app, and activates the Remote app on your device.
Opens into the Health app to Browse > Body Measurements to display data like weight, BMI, body fat percentage, or stats like waist circumference.
Asks you to select a single contact, then starts a Check In with that person.
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