Manage my Comixology account
Opens the Amazon website to the Comixology account management page, where find links to your library or the Kindle app and connect your Amazon or Comixology accounts as needed.
Opens the New Releases tab in the Comixology section of the Amazon website.
Opens the Amazon website to the Comixology account management page, where find links to your library or the Kindle app and connect your Amazon or Comixology accounts as needed.
Asks you to enter a search query, formats it for an Amazon URL, and opens the search results in the Kindle library (including non-Comics results).
Opens the “See More” link on your personalized Comixology storefront curating Best Sellers for you based on your collection.
Given a preset dictionary of your comic titles and unique IDs, asks you to pick which comic to open on the web.
Asks you for a search query, then forms it for the Amazon search results URL with a filter for Comics applied.
Looks through the input text for email addresses and copies them to the clipboard.
Uses Shazam to identify the current song playing out loud, then opens the corresponding link into the Music app.
Presents a menu of the main folder and various subfolders for my Video notes in the Notes open, then opens into the chosen folder using Show Notes Folder.
Opens the MacStories profile in the Bluesky app or on the web.
Prompts you to choose from all your conversations in Messages, listed in chronological order from recent to oldest, then opens your choice.
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