Apple actions

Make Archive
Makes an archive out of the files passed as input. Supports creating zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar, gzip, cpio, or iso archives.
Extract Archive
Extracts files from the archive passed as input. Many archive formats are supported, including zip, rar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar, gzip, cpio, cab, and iso archives.
Filter Articles
Given a list of articles, this action returns the articles that match the given criteria.
Get Details of Articles
Extracts information from an article, including title, author, published date, body, excerpt, number of words, main image URL, URL, and name.
Get Article using Safari Reader
Gets article details, including body text, author, publish date, and more, from every URL passed into the action. Input URLs Result Article Note Use a Get Details of Article action immediately after this action to get specific details about the article. This action only supports getting one article from each URL.
Shazam It
Uses the microphone to listen to and identify nearby media. Media identification provided by Shazam:
Add PDF to Books
Opens the input as a PDF in iBooks.
Find Calendar Events
Searches for the calendar events in your library that match the given criteria. Allows for sorting, changing the order, and limiting the number passed as a result.
Get Details of Calendar Events
Extracts information from calendar events, including start date, end date, whether it’s an all day event, the calendar it belongs to, the location, whether it has alarms, the event duration, the organizer, the attendees, the URL, the title, the notes, & more.
Get Details of Event Attendees
Extract information from event attendees, including their name, whether “Is Me” is true, their role, or status in regards to the meeting.
Add New Event
Creates a new event and adds it to the selected calendar.
Filter Event Attendees
Given a list of event attendees, this action returns the event attendees that match the given criteria.
Get Upcoming Events
Gets upcoming calendar events, ordered from nearest to farthest away in time. Choose a calendar, number of events, and the day to retrieve from.
Remove Events
Removes all events passed into the action from the calendars they are contained in, including future repeats.
Show in Calendar
Shows the date or calendar event passed as input in the Calendar app.