Content actions

Overlay Text
Overlays text onto the image passed as input.
Convert Time Zone
Converts the specified date and time from one time zone to another.
Overlay Image
Overlays an image on top of another image.
Take Video
Uses the camera to take a video clip, with the option to use the front or back camera, or change the quality between low, medium, and high.
Get Clipboard
Passes the contents of the clipboard to the next action.
Copy to Clipboard
Copies the result of the last action to the clipboard.
Format Date
Formats a date and time into text.
Adjust Date
Adds or subtracts an amount of time from the date passed into the action.
Passes the specified date and time to the next action.
Get Time Between Dates
Subtracts the specified date from the date passed into the action. For example, this action could get the number of minutes from now until a calendar event passed in as input.
Get Dates from Input
Returns any dates found in the output from the previous action.
Make GIF
Creates an animated GIF from the images or video passed into the action.
Make Video from GIF
Converts an animated GIF into a video.
Add Frame to GIF
Adds an image to the existing animated GIF passed as input. If no GIF is passed as input, a new animated GIF is created.
Get Frames from Image
Splits an animated GIF or a photo burst into individual frames.
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