Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Extracts information about an App Store app, including artist, price, currency code, formatted price, release date, category, description, the overall rating, the total number of ratings, the current rating, the number of ratings for this version, the version, the date it was last updated, the latest release notes, the content rating, the minimum OS version, whether it’s a universal app, the supported devices, supported languages, screenshot URLs, iPad screenshot URLs, download size, store ID, store URL, artwork, artwork URL, name, & more.
Information included in this action is also available in the “Search App Store” result’s variable – this action can often be skipped by extracting the detail on the input of the action where it’s used.
Try using Search App Store, Repeat With Each, then inside the repeat area, place this set to Repeat Item and extract details as needed – or, get the details directly from the Repeat Item variable.
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