Start tracking again
Starts up a Timery timer from the last-logged event, starting anew from right now.
Asks you to enter a project name, client, then pick from tags or colors to create a new project in Toggle using Timery.
Starts up a Timery timer from the last-logged event, starting anew from right now.
Prompts you to add a start time and end time, then what you worked on, then pick a project – once you’re done, Timery logs the entry in Toggl.
Prompts you to enter the time for when a currently-running should have stopped, then stops it and sets that end time.
Prompts you to choose a project and time period, then displays the results for your total time tracked.
Continues tracking the most recent time entry from Timery from the last time it was stopped.
Uses Timery to display total time tracked in Toggl during the day.
Grabs all the details available in the Weather actions in Shortcuts and presents it back to you.
Pauses Sound Recogntion and disables the option to listen for home lifestyle sounds.
Save a short note to yourself by dictating or typing in the body, then automatically sending the email to your own email address with a canned title.
Creates a blank document without any paragraph formatting – good for making an empty page to fill with shapes, images, or other Pages capabilities.
Opens the Today list in Reminders where you can see tasks assigned for the day, morning, afternoon, or evening, as well as drag tasks between those sections to resassign them.
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