Opens the daily deals section of Amazon where you can see items that are discounted for today only.
Opens the Amazon category page for pets like dogs, cats, and hamsters.
Opens your Amazon wish list page where you can curate items you want, and share your lists with others.
Opens Amazon’s dedicated page for its Holiday Gift Guide with curated recommendations and discounted items.
Opens your recently-viewed items on Amazon so you can back to something you were just looking at.
Opens the portal page for their Basics line of products that Amazon produces for commonly-purchased items.
“Our products most often added to Wishlists and Registries. Updated daily.”
Opens the Wallet app to your main debit card used for daily purchases and things like groceries.
Asks you to pick from your Stations in Podcasts and plays it right away.
Pings your iPhone using your Apple Watch, including an optional lights on or off.
Plays the preselected Replay 2022 playlist on Shuffle. My top tracks of the year were full of Kraughnbin and Foals.
Presents a menu of MacStories shows, then plays the next episode from the selected show based on the preselected custom sort order (or default order from the Podcasts app).
Opens to the Subscribers tab of the Transistor website for your podcast where you can see total listeners, how many remaining you have in your plan, manage subscribers, and share an invite link.
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