Turn on the screensaver
Wakes up the specified Apple TV, then activates the built-in Screen Saver feature to display ambient scenes instead of the Home Screen.
Turns on the TV and sets the Apple TV to your personal profile, appearance preferance, and Reduce Loud Sounds setting, then shows the remote.
Wakes up the specified Apple TV, then activates the built-in Screen Saver feature to display ambient scenes instead of the Home Screen.
For the specified Apple TV, resumes playing the currently-active program.
Shows the Apple TV remote and lets you control the device from your iPhone or iPad.
Sleeps a specified Apple TV, also turning off any HDMI-CEC connected devices like a TV set.
Opens the deep link into the Settings app to CarPlay settings so you can organize the arrangement of your apps.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + 2 to open to the Bookmarks page, where you can see sessions you’ve saved for later.
Opens the Custom Keyboards settings on iOS so you can add or remove alternate keyboards.
Searches the Shortcuts app for the word “Mac” to find your Mac-related shortcuts.
Opens a custom “Screenshots” folder located in the Shortcuts folder in iCloud Drive.
Uses the Elgato Control Center app to toggle the Key Lights and Key Light mini on or off depending on their current state.
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